< eL Diluvio

Director's Notes


To explain myself without explaining.

Isn't that what we all want?

These are notes to (finding) the self. A treasure map in progress.

The Name

Diluvio is the Spanish word for flood. This Rauw song got it stuck in my head.

Diluvio Universal is the Spanish phrase for The Great Flood.

The words trapped inside of us have the power to cleanse us and dismantle us. Either way we must release them. Creation & destruction— the cycle of rebirth that comes from a flood of expression.


Prose, poetry and experimental pieces of writing dating back to 2021. The two acts are broken up by where I believe they fit in my artistic progression.

I would love you to take your time exploring—taking a free spirited adventure through my pieces. My only hope is that you find a single line that makes you feel something.

Romans 8:31.