< Act I
September 7 2024

playbook highlights one

I keep a small notebook with me at all times where I write down fleeting thoughts or quotes I enjoyed. This is a collection of some of my favorite lines.

On the couch, it hit me—the expectation of being the “normal” me has gotten dramatically higher.


It makes sense why true artists need to disappear to recharge, to create new, to live in their own world—why they limit who can access them until they’re ready to present their new remade image.








Yo no se como tu te llamas

Solo se tu cuerpo en mi cama

Yo llegue aquí por la ventana

Es Sábado, tres de la mañana

Downtown en un penthouse panorama

Solo te conozco en oscuras


Humans were originally globular figures with four legs and two faces, until we were split apart.


First comes the legitimate objections, and through persistence you arrive at the ridiculous ones. That means you’re almost there.


The good ideas always come back


How many times do we have to learn the same lesson?


Eventually soulmates meet, for they have the same hiding place 


When it was dark you always carried the sun in your hands for me


You got the body, now you want my soul


A man walking towards me and his face suddenly lights up and softens. I need not turn around to know he has seen someone he loves behind me.


“In a hammock—on a day like this?”


Girl waving her phone to her friends, “Do you know what this means?”


One day abruptly, everything seems very clear—though only everything, nothing specific.


playmaker, shot caller


talking to white people feels like playing with a kitten on a string, it’s so easy and they get entertained by the simplest thing


I loved it when I touched down but I still had to drink to forget what i left behind. I don’t remember how I got home to my new home but all I know is it felt like home when i woke up.


A bad dream, at the track at night chasing after my dad and when I reach him, finally reach him, it’s another man the whole time. 


A bad dream, a bloodied face on the soccer field. And they’re saying I did it.


Sophie’s tail, like a puppet string that dances to my voice.


I’m a simple man, i just want the world. I know my place, I’m not asking for the heavens.


Wanted and missing posters are both trying to find someone.


Intergalactic junior formula racing league that turns deadly


Tree house, light house


Girl in Lisbon who strings along ex because she doesn’t think highly of herself and thinks he’s the only one that will ever love her but doesn’t want to be with him


If your own self adoration is fleeting, how could you trust anyone that loves you unconditionally?


The sound of wind chimes


Academy soccer team story and the divergent paths of young promising athletes


A bar on a hill where people’s eyes are glassy but full of life


Paris is far, Paris is beautiful. Paris is beautiful because it is far.


Dar a luz = give birth in spanish but literal translation is produce a light


Whoever heard of a cancelled puppet show?


Sopranos is Bresson’s modern dream—real mobsters as models, not actors.


She complains I turn colors in my sleep.


If you were going to stage a real revolution in the modern day, you’d actually produce a massive billion dollar budget war film and fire the first shots on set—by the time people realize the bullets are real it’ll be too late. Hide in plain sight. War as performance art.


Two lovely young kids become criminals (for some good sympathetic reason the audience roots for) and go on the run, where they truly fall in love (of course it has to end tragically)


Men don’t deny themselves indulgence, but women seem to have that problem


The man in the mirror, the man in the painting, and The Big Man Upstairs


The two Lebanese women I met in Rome waiting for her to finish her phone call with her mom


Man must decide which sounds to fill his home with


It’s nice when people show you their daily paths


Black guy with neck tattoos reading on park bench, looking around paranoid as if reading would damage his reputation


Few things prettier than someone wearing a hurt face, particularly one that you prompted.


Sir Michael Caine on how to cry effectively on camera: “When you fight the tears, the audience cries for you.”


Do you ever think about how weird it is that artists can “sell” their music catalog? What does that even mean?


Imagine what you could do with a woman like that!


Perspective, patience and prosperity


the man in washington square park who told me he buys birds just to set them free


heard melodies are sweet, but unheard melodies are sweeter


PUZZLE = ROMPECABEZAS in spanish, which translates to HEADBREAKER