< Act I
August 30 2023
Greenpoint, NYC

Personal Savings (The First Bank of Secrets)

What do you feel fill

Your piggy bank with?

My grandmother always told me

A penny saved is a penny earned

I'm no miser

I'm more of a spendthrift

But still my piggy eats well

To those who have, more will be given

Sure I have it gobble up

Coins and dollars

Old and new

The kind of currency anyone could use

But there are some pieces of gum too,

Chinese finger traps,

The butts of Turkish Royals,

And jawbreakers a plenty


Of course they fit

Let me show you

Break the tip off that pencil and hand it to me

Yes, now you see

You can store anything in there

Something tells me these Kazoos

Will one day rightfully vanquish the C Notes $$$

I suppose I lied then

I do hoard what I believe to be valuable

The flower petals and the scraps of paper

Mosts don't accept those forms of payment

I know that one day

They will

Even if it means smashing my own piggy

For everyone to share.