< Act I
July 18 2021
Houston, Texas

How To Get Away With Murder

There are three stages to ego development.

The first stage of ego development is that of acknowledgement. This is the simplest form—the "hey, I exist!" From when you first appear on the ultrasound, to when you cry out as you exit the womb, to when you tug on your mother's dress, to when you raise your hand in class—we cannot do anything until we prove we are not invisible. This stage of development is largely guided by one's parents and family. Unless you have particularly abusive or neglecting parents, you accomplish this stage in your childhood. Over 65% of people make it past acknowledgement.

The second stage of ego development is that of differentiation. Now that we are assured we exist, we wish to stand out. This is the intermediary form, the "hey, watch this!" Depending on the incentive structure our parents and schooling implement, and the rewards our natural talents afford us—we may engage in positive or negative behavior to gain the spotlight. To stand out from the crowd one can be gifted, or one can be reckless. Either is extraordinary. This also tends to guide our romantic pursuits. We search for companions that make us feel as if we are one of a kind. This stage of development is primarily seeded by your parents, but led by your immediate community and social circles. Most people are stuck here. They fall short of an ambitious goal early on in life that makes them afraid to try again, settle for a partner that primarily serves to make them feel not alone after some initial heartbreak, and shape their life as to accommodate their insecurities because they reason it is safer to fit in. Only 10% make it past differentiation.

The final stage of ego development is that of ascension. Now that we know we are special, we must contend with our mortality. In our differentiation, we actually ended up circling back to the realization that we are no different than anyone else in our ultimate fate. This is the ultimate form, the "hey, I existed!" etched in stone. Due to the small pool of living people in this stage, most who are engaging in this pursuit are known to feel catastrophically misunderstood. The exploration of this stage results in a shedding of the me-centric worldview and a realization of the universal energy that binds us all. These people no longer care for the rules and expectations everyone else follows. This is both liberating and painful. The goal now becomes clear: to create something that outlives you—and inspires others to do the same. A critical scientific discovery, a seminal philosophical conclusion, a genre defining piece of art, a historic institution,

a timeline shifting conquest, and so on. A proverbial flag in the ground—one that says, "this is what I stand for, stood for, and died for", on a planet littered with fake symbols. This stage of development can only be led by you. You and God. Whatever you believe to be your God. The amount of people who have completed this stage is unknown, but their impact lives within all humans for eternity.

The only way to live forever is to kill. To kill the ego. But first you must feed it until it is plump.